As you consider who to vote for, read below why others are voting for Jennifer Adams.
Dear Neighbor,
Since the moment I was elected to Council four years ago, whether you voted for me then or not, I’ve worked tirelessly to deliver results for you. Working with my council colleagues, I secured $55 million for improving our pavement, annexed the North Tempe county island to create new tax revenue for our City, and we continue our work to effectively and efficiently address homelessness in Tempe - in other words, we have accomplished more over the past four years than I have room to list. In my previous mailers, I’ve talked about what I do, but now I want to talk a little more about who I am. Growing up, my family and I went through some very difficult times. Times that I would not have made it through without the help of other people. Those experiences inspired me to pursue a career in helping others find their own ways forward, which led me to become a social worker.My career in Tempe began with helping residents experiencing a difficult time by managing Tempe’s Critical Incident Stress Management Team for the Fire Department. I have also trained Care 7 employees, and facilitated both single parenting workshops and the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Commission. Those moments of working with Tempe residents, and my own experiences, inform everything I did while in public works and what I do now on Council. It’s why I am always accessible to Tempe residents and relentless in my pursuit of positive results, because I know what a difference even a small improvement can make for someone. Thank you again for your consideration of me to continue working for you on Council, and for giving me a chance to tell you a little more about myself.
Jennifer Adams
Tempe is facing a challenging time. We need leaders on our City Council who are accessible and experienced enough to offer solutions and inclusive leadership. Councilmember Jennifer Adams is an inclusive and accessible leader who works to make Tempe a vibrant and safe city for all. I’m supporting her for re‐election because I know she will help lead Tempe forward. I hope you will join me in supporting Jennifer in the upcoming election. I’ve been in her seat as a councilmember before I served as mayor of Tempe, but I’ve also been a resident of Tempe for decades. Jennifer has earned my vote from both perspectives, because of how she goes out of her way to include community members in decision making and because she is so clearly dedicated to being responsive to her constituents. I’m grateful to have someone so hardworking and accessible in city hall, and I hope you’ll join me in re‐electing Councilmember Jennifer Adams for another term.
I often wonder why anyone would want to run for Tempe City Council, and I believe most people who do aren’t running because they actually want this particular job. Maybe it’s ego; maybe it’s the first step on a desired political trajectory. In many cases it feels like entitlement.
Very few candidates know the frustration, drudgery and resilience that lies ahead of them if they try to do things like fix potholes, address longstanding neighborhood traffic issues, build community or attract development that actually benefits Tempe. And let’s face it, many candidates wouldn’t be interested in those everyday issues. But those are the issues they should be focused on.
There’s one candidate who will always have my vote, because she has the experience and the drive to represent our interests in the face of complicated and oftentimes overwhelmingly bureaucratic issues. That person is Councilmember Jennifer Adams.
The things that affect the daily lives of the people in Tempe are not partisan, and they’re also not sexy. If you’ve spent any time talking to people in your neighborhoods or canvassing doors in city elections, you’d mostly be hearing about bulk trash, speeding, code compliance violations, public transit or new development. To really do the job of a councilperson well, you need to know how the nitty, gritty, unglamorous work of making this city a better place is done. You need to not be afraid of constituent feedback, and you need to vociferously advocate for that feedback in the Council chambers. Unfortunately for us, Councilmember Adams is one of very few on Council who represent neighborhood voices and tackle the mundane topics residents care about.
As chair of the Tempe Neighborhood Advisory Commission, I have had a small glimpse of what it’s like to try to serve the city as a public official and advocate for better communication and services. It can be draining and thankless to attempt even the simplest thing in the face of the inertia of gatekeeping that some staff and elected officials are so used to enforcing.
I am endlessly thankful that Councilmember Adams is willing to bring her decades of service at the city and her training as a social worker to tackle the everyday issues we face with inclusivity, accessibility and perseverance. Whether it’s making sure fire hydrants work so that our homes are safer, advocating for wrap-around services for neighbors experiencing homelessness, negotiating a complex county island annex, insisting on an easier process for neighborhood traffic calmings or calling on Council and staff to empower Tempe’s commissions—this is the real work of running a city. And Councilmember Jennifer Adams is amazing at her job.
Please join me in voting to re-elect Councilmember Jennifer Adams when you receive your ballot this month.
Hannah Moulton Belec
Chair, Tempe Neighborhood Advisory Commission | President, Villa Patrician HOA
Tempe is so lucky to have Jennifer Adams representing us on our City Council. She’s the type of leader that only comes along once in a blue moon. She not only talks the talk, she walks the walk. With Jennifer Adams, what you see is what you get, and what we’ve got has been very beneficial to the City of Tempe.
While canvassing back in 2017, Jennifer discovered that our city was in serious danger - our fire hydrants were in disrepair. At least three homes in Tempe had burned to the ground because there wasn’t any water in their neighborhood hydrants. Jennifer sounded the alarm, and once elected to council she followed through – 100% of the fire hydrants in Tempe are now in working order, and we’ve earned a rating of “Excellent.” This Excellent rating translates into about $100 a year in savings to Tempe residents on their homeowners insurance. Thanks Jennifer!
Since being sworn in back in 2018, Jennifer has saved the city over $20 million dollars, secured $55 million in funding to improve our roads, forged strong relationships with community activists, and annexed 19 acres of county land for Tempe - something other officials said she would never get done.
Jennifer is a problem solving, very hardworking woman of integrity and grit.
I am proud to be a supporter of Jennifer Adams for re-election to Tempe City Council. I am proud to call Jennifer Adams my friend.
Jennifer Adams is getting my family’s votes for Tempe City Counci this upcoming election in March. I met Jennifer as a neighbor before she was on the City Council. At that time, she was still working for the City as Facilities Manager. I asked her if she could put me in touch with the right people to renew our aged and decayed landscaping right-aways around our neighborhood. She quickly connected me with the right people leading to vast improvements.
Because of this, I wholeheartedly supported her for her first run as a City Councilmember and now support her for re-election. Jennifer continues to connect people to get things done for our residents. Jennifer identified a neglected, but important local effort to test and/or replace old fire hydrants to ensure improved fire safety in our neighborhoods. She has proved her “street smarts” by recently securing millions of dollars in a measure to repair and repave Tempe’s crumbling roads. She hears our pleas.
My neighbors and I greatly appreciate her effort to keep the City accountable to its zoning enforcement code by standing up against encroachment of easements and ensuring Tempe's aesthetic standards are kept high. It’s these things that draw and keep people living in Tempe because they can depend on the city’s standards being upheld and services being delivered.
Jennifer recognizes the unique needs of Tempe North and South. She spearheaded the annexation of a forgotten county island for clean-up and inclusion in the tax base and understands the internal and external growing business influences that drive demand for infrastructure, living space and quality of life. I truly feel Jennifer is connected with Tempe’s needs and she can connect citizens with others to help meet their community’s needs. I hope you join me in voting with your mail in ballot for Jennifer Adams on or by March 8th.