Delivering Results for You.
Real Solutions to Address Homelessness
As a current licensed social-worker and long time Tempe resident I bring real world experience and the perspective of a Tempe resident to help build real solutions for our City.
Supported an immediate increase in homeless shelter availability to get people off the streets and surrounded by services
Supported immediate park security and pushed for a more robust park security program
Worked to expand the City’s ability to respond to service calls effectively
It’s critical that Tempe residents feel safe in their parks and in public spaces and that those experiencing homelessness get the services they need. I will continue supporting any efforts that get people off our streets and to the services they need
Too often, people experiencing homelessness can only access services one night at a time. I’m supporting the purchase of an old hotel by the City to create a live-in wrap around services center
Supporting Local Businesses
Tempe’s is vibrant because of our many small businesses and besides being a frequent patron I’m also working to cut red tape and make sure our City is a partner, not a barrier, to our local businesses’ success.
Pushed hard to secure COVID relief funds for our local business leaders
Regularly meets with local business owners to hear their concerns
It’s not enough to just be “business friendly”, we must be doing everything necessary to ensure Tempe is a place where people want to come live, work, and play
To me, that means the City must continue to be a partner for our businesses, not something that just puts up red tape
I am starting a Small Business Roundtable where I will work to connect with small business leaders around our City to get to know them, their business’s story, and gain insights that will allow me to proactively solve issues for them before they become larger problems
Delivering for Tempe Neighborhoods and Residents
I mean it when I say no issue is too small and my phone is always on.
I’ve worked to ensure that Tempe’s drinking water meets or exceeds the standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act citywide
Secured over $3,000,000 in funding for road improvements, improving Tempe’s pavement quality index by 3 points
Fire Hydrants were updated throughout Tempe, lowering insurance costs for many residents
Made sure that the landscape maintenance quality along our streets and sidewalks is as high as possible
Helped create Tempe’s feral cat pilot program to reduce the negative impacts of feral cats on your neighborhood
Look, you pay taxes to your City in order to have your trash and recycling picked up on time, have your streetlights work, and to have your roads pothole free (to name a few things). I’m always going to be ready to make sure that your City is working for you.
I will continue ambitiously pursuing investments in our roads and other infrastructure to raise your quality of life
Clark Park is only the first of many park renovations that I am pursuing
Responsible Development
Development, when done right, brings jobs to our community, raises property values, and brings revenue to Tempe to then make more investments in our City.
Secured the annexation of the County island North of the 202 in direct response to what North Tempe residents said was a priority for them.
Represents Tempe on the National League of Cities and Towns and is the member responsible for developing policy positions and leading NLC’s advocacy on issues involving housing, community and economic development, land use, recreation and parks, historic preservation, and international competitiveness.
Tempe is a landlocked city which means that addressing our housing affordability crisis will require innovative solutions and investments. We must bring a mix of housing that allows people who work in Tempe to also live here.
We will continue working to bring more community-friendly investments to fill the City’s vacant lots that are currently eyesores for our residents
We’ll continue making investments in our mass transit infrastructure to help reduce traffic in Tempe and speed up your commute time
Supporting Tempe’s Sustainability Leadership
We have the unique opportunity to continue showing that Tempe can economically thrive because of our investments in sustainability.
Supported the creation of the Desert Preservation Commission via an ordinance. The commissions will assist with recommendations on how to maintain Tempe’s two preserves, Hayden Butte and Papago Park.
Helped achieve carbon neutrality in Tempe’s municipal operations
I worked with my colleagues to increase Tempe’s shade and tree canopy
We’ll aggressively work to build ridership for the Tempe Streetcar to get more cars off our streets
I’m taking the lead for our City as the co-chair of our Sustainability and Livable Communities working committee
Don’t see an issue on here that you want to get my thoughts on? Let me know!